Preempted status to include calendar or refer back to owner

Status: Requested 2 Votes
May 21, 2012 11:57 AM
Joined Apr, 2012 307 posts

Once something changes to preempted, due to someone else bookings, can you include our calendar on the page that comes up stating

This quote was preempted and is no longer available. --- Please look at our calendar at.... and see if another dates works for you. Thank you. ** Or ** --- Please notify the owner and see if other dates work.

Sometimes, the requested date may be July 19 - July 21. Yet, July 20 - July 22 is booked. The guest that comes back looking for the original dates may be able to shift there date to make it work to leave on July 20. Then the owner gets the extra booking.

May 21, 2012 2:15 PM
Joined Apr, 2012 307 posts

Did you see this one?


Michelle J
May 21, 2012 2:22 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

Hi Claudia,

We don't currently support that, or have any immediate solution to making it work that way, so I wanted to leave it in the Feature Requests forum as something users (at least one!) wanted for the dev team to look at later.

I've already noted down that the wording should be changed to include asking the owner for different dates.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Jun 5, 2012 11:13 PM
Joined Apr, 2012 20 posts

Michelle, I would like that..since I do get people asking for dates the are mid week and then others may request dates that include part of those dates. If one books it then the other booking may be lost with the pre-empted notification but if you even mentioned that other dates may be open and pointed them to the website of the owners choosing - the vrbo/homeaway/own website - it could be part of a signature.


Nov 30, 2012 7:47 PM
Joined Apr, 2012 307 posts

Hi Michelle,

Any word on this?

Can we have the different wording from what currently comes up?

"What does this mean?
All quotes have an expiration date. If the quote is not accepted before the expiration date, the quote is no longer valid."

Something that would have them come back to us and see if it is still available? Just because it expired, doesn't mean that the dates are still not available. At times, people take over two weeks to make a decision.


Michelle J
Dec 1, 2012 10:04 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

Hi Claudia,

Nothing yet. It's on the dev roadmap but not yet scheduled for development. We're releasing calendar widgets today. We're focusing on some reporting and global settings next. Then, more inquiry and payment upgrades.
