I'm in the "trial period" and want to cancel this "trial"

Jul 9, 2012 7:59 AM
Joined Jun, 2012 4 posts

You've done a great job of hiding any info on how to go about legally ending , severing, terminating this "trial agreement!

Also, I note you've added a "fictious" booking on one of my properties. No such booking ever occured. Don't expect to charge me any "fees" for bookings that don't exist!

I'm sending you various notices of cancellation of this "trial agreement as of July 09, 2012.

I'm posting this incredible negative, duplicitous experience with you on a number of vacation rental owner forums.

Martin Fairley
Froghop Properties, LLC
3801 Barnegat Drive
Punta Gorda,FL 33950

Michelle J
Jul 9, 2012 9:02 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts


I've sent you three emails about this offline this morning, which you haven't answered.

Your charges that we've "added fictitious bookings" is UTTERLY WRONG, and I've explained this in full detail. Here is, once again, my last email about the booking you're referring to. I have redacted personal information because this is a public forum. You can see the personal info by looking at the email I sent to you.


The booking you're referring to was entered by you (or someone logged into your account) on Jun 10, 2012 via the main control panel.

The booking appears to be a manual booking you entered (possibly while testing the system?). The guest name on the booking is "Michelle Lake" with email address [redacted]. You can see the full booking record at:


Again, this booking was entered by someone on your side, not anyone here.

I looked at the audit trail on the booking, and here's more information on when/where it was entered:

Date/Time: 6/20/2012 12:38:47 PM EST
Operating System: [redacted]
Browser: [redacted]
IP Address: [redacted]
IP Location: Punta Gorda, FL (26.9220, -81.9400)

To be clear, we only charge for actual usage after the trail period ends. This booking was entered sometime in the past month and so it was well before any billing would have occurred on your account. I'm sorry for all the confusion over the billing emails. It was only our intent to alert you that if you continued using the system after your trial ends, you would get billed in the future.

Michelle J
Jul 9, 2012 9:14 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

To other readers:

I thought about removing this post since it is both wrong and slanderous, but I was told by the owner to leave it. Mr. Fairley's attack should be read by other OwnerRez users so they can respond if they feel we are being "duplicitous" as Mr. Fairley asserts.

We have spent a long time - more than two years - offering this software 100% free of charge while figuring out a fair/simple pricing model.

We have made clear over the past few weeks that the new pricing is 100% usage based and users are never billed unless they actually use the system.

We certainly do NOT hide or make it difficult to cancel. We're a very small company and haven't had time yet to build our cancellation or "close account" page yet. We cancel/close any account immediately upon request.

The reason we haven't allocated time to building a cancellation page yet is because it isn't necessary. USERS ARE NEVER BILLED UNLESS THEY ACTUALLY USE THE SYSTEM. We've made that clear on our main pricing page, on the user's personal billing page and on all emails and newsletters sent over the past two weeks.

Since canceling isn't necessary in order to not be billed, we've allocated our few resources on areas that are of more immediate concern to our users. Areas like email sending and email templates, integration, reporting, etc.

Paul W
Jul 10, 2012 3:49 PM
Joined Dec, 2009 12 posts

I have never experienced that type of behavior from those that run this website, and I've been here for years. Martin, I recommend removing your name and contact details from your comment. Your comment makes you look petty which in turn will reflect badly on your 'Froghop' properties. I for one would definitely never rent a house from someone who lashes out like that and threatens to libel others indiscriminately.

Paul W
Jul 10, 2012 4:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 10 posts


Thanks for your reply. Our forums are rarely frequented by most OwnerRez users. If they were, I'm sure you would not be alone. I always strive to be fair and ethical in everything I do even if it means a momentary disadvantage.

For the record, we sent Martin numerous emails and called his phone number, leaving a voice message. We have yet to hear one reply.

Martin was not alone in his anger at what he perceived were future charges coming his way. As of this writing, we've had more than 50 users - all dormant accounts - howl about being charged, though those 50 would never have actually received a bill. Those 50 users represent a small fraction of our overall user base, but we were still taken back with the reaction.

The two emails that we've sent out over the past few weeks about our new pricing model have stated that we are 100% usage based and no one is ever charged for merely having an account. However, upon review, we don't believe we were clear enough and so we've revised the wording on those emails. In addition, earlier today we released a minor update to include a Close Account page so that users can completely exit the system. This should provide additional comfort to dormant or intermediate users, like Martin, who jump to conclusions instead of reading the emails.

Many thanks to Sam for pausing the current dev sprint, at great reluctance, to put out the Close page.



Jul 10, 2012 5:24 PM
Joined Jun, 2012 4 posts

Veronica T.... I posted my immediate problem with this website on this associated forum because the OwnerReservations website offered no other way for contact other than a provided "support email template". Time was of the essence due to the fact I was given one days notice of going "off" of the trial period! and, "template only support" is a place where I've "been there and done that". No telephone contact was available.

I received an immediate response due to my posting and the issue for me, and others in the same position, appears to have been resolved in a timely fashion. I'm not out of any money and the website operators found a "hole" to fix and improve their enterprise. I wish them nothing but success in the future!

Your involvement was neither requested or welcome. Frankly, I don't give a good damn if you like or dislike my "type of behaviour".

You cannot rent my house!

I'm out of here..........

Michelle J
Jul 10, 2012 5:45 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

Martin, you are once again exaggerating and misrepresenting the facts.

twologhomes said:

No telephone contact was available.

How can you possibly make this claim? Look at the top of the website! Or bottom for that matter. We can't always answer the phone immediately but anyone that calls is immediately called back.

twologhomes said:

Time was of the essence due to the fact I was given one days notice of going "off" of the trial period!

If you had actually read the whole email, and the links referenced within it, you would have seen multiple times that our pricing model is 100% usage based. You were not in risk of being billed anything unless you continued using the system.

We sent those same emails to over 1,000 user accounts, some of which were inactive or in an intermediate like yours. Only about 50 people responded as you did. Why didn't the others? The majority understood perfectly well what we were saying and you would have too had you calmed down and not jumped to conclusions.

twologhomes said:

I'm not out of any money and the website operators found a "hole" to fix and improve their enterprise

There was no "hole". Users such as yourself would never have been billed regardless of whether a Close page existed or not. The Close page was already scheduled to be added in a future dev sprint. We knew it wasn't there already and weren't concerned because not having it didn't mean users like you would be billed.

Lastly, your post on this forum was ENTIRELY UNWARRANTED since I contacted you in a series of emails (and tried by phone) well before you posted online. Long before this thread was created, I explained in detail where you were going wrong and tried to alleviate your fears, to which you never responded. Then, instead of responding offline in a professional manner (and apologizing for your error), you chose to publicly create the thread anyway. That makes you unethical, in addition to being wrong.

To other readers:

I am not usually so riled up. I deal with dozens of requests each day and know that OwnerRez has a long way to go to being perfect. I routinely deal with, and ignore, bad apples like Martin all the time. However, in addition to being a bad apple offline, Martin chose to threaten our reputation publicly. That is not something I take lightly.

Paul W
Jul 10, 2012 5:58 PM
Joined Dec, 2009 12 posts

LOL! Martin's latest comment proves he can't read and follow basic writing. *No wonder* he got so hopping mad over a non issue.


I didn't say I didn't "like your type of behavior". I said "type of behavior" in reference to your comment about how OwnerRez staff was adding fake bookings to fatten the invoice. I've never seen them do anything like that ever.

Read my comment again, dear, and then we'll chat.

Jul 10, 2012 7:19 PM
Joined Apr, 2012 307 posts

Martin, I have been dealing with OwnerRez for a few month now and they have been nothing but professional and and quick to answer any of my problems (unforseen) or issues. Any requests have been answered fairly quickly. I am very pleased with them.

They have always stated that they would not charge for anything already in the system, even if it didn't come up for rental yet. They would only charge for any FUTURE entries. Not previous entries. And, that is if you don't use their credit card system.

The cancel membership is a good idea, to get closure that you no longer want to participate, but frankly, you can do that in an indirect way, by not using their system. Thus, no future charges would occur, since no future entries would be recorded. However, due to this misunderstanding from you and 49 other people, look how quickly they worked to provide the cancel membership option? I, for one, am impressed!

Keep up the great work, guys!

Jul 11, 2012 7:50 AM
Joined Jan, 2010 1 post

Two issues were raised here, one of which is valid and the other isn't.

Martin's first issue was that the trial warning was terse and no cancellation options were readily available. This is a valid issue I think. I love O.R. but you really should have had a cancel screen before warning everyone that billing was starting. I was taken back myself until I read everything in more detail.

Martin's second issue however was totally unfair if an explanation was quickly given as to how he was incorrect which is what Michelle claims. Since I see no followup on that issue from Martin, I am left to assume that he was wrong and Michelle's explanation was correct. To blame someone of manipulating your account is a series charge on several different levels. To do it publicly with threats of smearing one's reputation on other forums is even more serious. As a developer myself, I can understand why O.R. people got pissed off.

Now... When is the QuickBooks integration getting released?? :-)