A booking took place today and I have not received the Booking Confirmation, nor the Rental Agreement Emails. The guest received them.
This has been over 25 minutes ago.
Just received the Rental Agreement. Not the Booking Confirm yet.
Did everything come in yet or are you still waiting? I don't see any sending problems on our end, but you if share the booking #, I can't do some digging and see when the emails were sent.
Received Booking Conf at 1:45pm. Definitely, slow to get everything. Booking # 252549
Six emails were sent out of our system for that booking at 11:39 and 11:40 AM EST.
If you didn't receive them until 1:45 PM, something must have happened in between.
Have you seen any other slowness receiving email from anyone else? Maybe your personal internet/email provider is running slow right now.
I'll check with our ESP and see if they're seeing any slowness.
The emails I get after I enter feedback was slow in coming, also. However, now they are up to date. They caught up and I am receiving them, right after I enter the response.