Security Deposit Email Templates

Marinas Edge
Jun 12, 2013 9:28 AM
Joined Oct, 2012 73 posts

Do you have an example of a pre-populated security deposit email? My first booking of the season will be arriving next week and I want to have this functionality in place by then.


Michelle J
Jun 12, 2013 10:00 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

Hi Marinas Edge,

Open the security deposit email template and click the "Use Default" button at the bottom right. That will pre-fill the body (and other fields) with what we automatically send if you don't a template on file.

Is that what you were looking for?


Marinas Edge
Jun 12, 2013 10:43 AM
Joined Oct, 2012 73 posts

That was easy :)

Do you have a survey that you send out or examples of a survey we might use?

We may send you a short survey in the next few days, asking about your stay

Michelle J
Jun 12, 2013 5:36 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

I don't. We only include that line by default because many owners like to send a followup survey or review request after the guest departs.

For instance, TripAdvisor (which is powered by FlipKey) has a feature where you can send "Review Requests" to any person. You just enter their email address and name and FlipKey takes care of the rest. Then, whatever review they provide shows up on your FlipKey/TripAdvisor listing.

Another common (and free) tool to use is the Google Form tool that comes with Google Spreadsheets. More about that here:

This allows you to prepare a nicely formatted Q/A that then shows all the answers in a Google Spreadsheet for you to review later.

It is a goal of ours to include auto surveys and Q/A forms after the departure as a part of the OwnerRez email process, but for the time being it's been wait-listed on the priorities list.

Hope this helps,


Marinas Edge
Jun 12, 2013 6:02 PM
Joined Oct, 2012 73 posts

Perfect. What is coming out in the next few releases? We love the system, hoping automatic emails a few days ahead of arrival date is soon...

Michelle J
Jun 12, 2013 7:24 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 403 posts

Tomorrow or Friday we're doing a release that:

* Expands the inquiry workflow a bit (eg. allows for multiple email addresses and phone numbers)
* Exposes public guest forms for second payments and security deposits
* Adds custom fields at the booking level
* Bunch of other minor things

Lot of API work this release so not a whole lot in the UI for users to see beyond that.

Coming out in the near future (weeks to months):

* Notes - add them to inquiries, quotes and bookings and find them with the global search
* Custom email sending - schedule custom emails to fire at date/time or based on workflow events (eg. booking paid in full)
* Auto responders - the system will send quotes and inquiry responses automatically based on rules (ie. an inquiry is available and no comments are entered = reply automatically)
* Ribbon view
* Reports
* Public calendar form for sharing data by webpage (for housekeepers and websites) that also shows multiple properties and has availability filters (ie. think calendar widget but a full page and a lot more features)
* Moving all pages and forms to new design, optimized for touch/mobile

There's a long to-do list beyond this, but these are the top priorities right now.

Hope this helps,


Marinas Edge
Jun 13, 2013 12:42 PM
Joined Oct, 2012 73 posts

I can't wait!

Speaking of APIs, with all the work you've done on APIs is there a way to access the data through the APIs so that I can build a set of custom reports?

Sam Westcott
Jun 16, 2013 12:48 PM
OR Team Member Joined Dec, 2009 127 posts

At the moment, we're restricting use of APIs only to integration partners. We have done a ton of work on it but there's a little further to go until we can release that live to the public. There's a lot of functionality in the system - we have to be really careful how solid the APIs are before opening that up. Thanks for your patience. ~Sam